Первый номер 2021 года журнала «Парный и семейный психоанализ

Вышел в свет первый номер 2021 года журнала «Парный и семейный психоанализ». «Парный и семейный психоанализ» – международный журнал, спонсируемый Тавистокским институтом медицинской психологии. Целью журнала является продвижение теории и практики работы с парами и семьями с психоаналитической перспективы. Специальная тема этого номера: Сепарация и развод.




Notes on working with divorcing and separating couples by Avi Shmueli

Micro-separations: how to traumatise your spouse on a daily basis by Brett Kahr

Fractured families, fractured systems: overcoming the silo mentality in family justice work by Amita Sehgal

Co-parent therapy and the parenting plan as transitional phenomena: working psychoanalytically with high conflict separating and divorcing couples by Dana Iscoff

Creating a family state of mind: using psychoanalytic ideas to treat families where children resist or refuse contact with a parent by Kathy Sinsheimer

Marriage and remarriage: different stages of a dating relationship by Isabel Cristina Gomes and Lidia Levy

Divorce in China by David Scharff


The Brain has a Mind of its Own: Attachment, Neurobiology and the New Science of Psychotherapy by Jeremy Holmes – reviewed by Christopher Clulow

Psychoanalytic Approaches to Loss: Mourning, Melancholia and Couples edited by Timothy Keogh and Cynthia Gregory-Roberts – reviewed by Kate Thompson


Hope Gap, directed by William Nicholson – reviewed by Perrine Moran and Nora Tsatsas

Marriage Story, directed by Noah Baumbach – reviewed by Viveka Nyberg

Review of Christopher Clulow filmed interview of Professor Mervyn Murch about his work in the Family Justice System concerning family breakdown and the care of children of divorced and separated parents – by Avi Schmueli